Our commitments

1. Since 2011, we have no longer used chemical treatments

We adhere to the commitment charter for natural biological control without any pesticides.
We prioritize phytotherapy over chemotherapy. Every product we use is approved for biological control, both in the vineyard and in the winery.

Our treatment program is simple:

  • Development of a concept based on companion plants (e.g., alfalfa and clover planted between rows to provide the vine with natural nitrogen, humus when mowed, and intelligent water management) and bio-indicator plants (each wild plant is a model indicator of the environment in which it grows. For example, dandelions indicate soil with sufficient organic matter from animal origin).
  • Preparation of horsetail, nettle, and fern manures as preventive fungicides and insect repellents (see “We go further”).
  • Use of copper and sulfur for protection, but copper in a “light” form that does not exceed 3 kg of active ingredient per hectare per year (the legislation allows double that amount).

2. Equipment meeting EU standards

3. We prune using the single Guyot method with a maximum of 12 buds per cane

The Guyot pruning method is characterized by a pruning technique aimed at favoring fruit-bearing wood. One to two canes with 6 to 12 buds are retained on the vine.

4. We spread compost as fertilizer and refuse to use chemical nitrogen on our vines

5. We grass all rows, and each plot is planted with winter vetch in the winter and soybeans in the summer for their natural drainage and nitrogen-enriching qualities

6. We prune and weed mechanically

7. We adhere to predictive treatment sheets, excluding treatment dates

8. We select the best bunches before harvest and taste them on the vine

9. We limit our production to the volume authorized by the decree

10. We destem the berries

11. We control the fermentation temperatures

12. We analyze the musts and have our winemaking followed by an oenological laboratory

13. We control the vinification inputs

  • Yeast without GMOs
  • We only use products recommended by our oenologist
  • We control the cleanliness of the bottling chain
  • We control the quality of the corks.

14. We inscribe the reference lot number on each bottle

15. We manage waste

  • We sort and store product waste on the farm
  • We refuse to abandon, bury, or burn waste in natural environments
  • We have the required administrative authorizations for the treatment of winery effluents