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We go further !

In addition to our bio-indicator plants and companion plants, we also use the following plants derived from pharmacopoeia:



The lithothamnium:

Crushed limestone algae. It acts by a drying effect (like chalk powder on the hands) and thanks to this property, it reduces the humidity in the bunches. It is also an excellent fertilizer.


Anything that does not go in the bunches during powdering is then found in the soil.


The bentonite :


It is a finely crushed clay powder, it swells like a sponge in contact with moisture and helps us fight against the humidity of the bunches.


It's an excellent anti-rotting agent.

It is also used during the maturing of wine.


But also:

Repeated mowing prevents plants from blooming.

However, what do beneficial insects feed on when the vine is not in production: honeydew.


If not, they migrate to neighbouring plots or disappear.

The idea was to create a reserve for our vine beneficial insects (that is to say, all the insects living around the vines) by spreading wheat straw after the harvest, in order to help them, offering them a sort of shelter and food in exchange for their precious help.

1/ Mulching :   

This input limits soil compaction and increases organic matter levels.


It stimulates the biological activity of the soil and participates in mineral fertilization as well as in the improvement of water supply due to the reduction of water evaporation during the summer.

This mulching stores the winter nitrogen residuals and returns them in the spring.

2/ Biostimulants – manure :

The main vine diseases are mildew and powdery mildew:



- The mildew (closer to algae than fungus)

Mildiou sur Feuille
Mildiou sur Grappe

- The powdery mildew (a fungus)


Their resistance properties are high.


In general, it takes 5 years for a selection to be made and the first strains that are insensitive to the chemical molecule placed on the market to appear.

That's the key to the wine problem:

A farmer treats with an average product, and for 3 to 4 years he has the satisfaction of seeing the effectiveness of his treatment, then appear the first symptoms of resistance, and instead of changing molecules, the reflex action is to increase doses and the infernal cycle is then opened. Every year a little more treatment product is used, until overdose.

The use of plants to care for other plants is not new or recent, as our ancestors experienced it long before us.

We're just rediscovering what's within our reach. If you would like more information, we advise you to visit the Terran editions website ( as well as many others that are extremely well informed about plants and their usefulness. 


It is wise not to think that plants will cure everything, it is wiser to think that they act as a preventive, and will help the vine to strengthen itself against disease and insect attacks.


Our manures :

The nettle:

It's the queen of queens, its applications are multiple. We use it as an insecticide and as a natural fertilizer.

Rich in iron and nitrogen, it stimulates growth and strengthens natural defences.


The fern:

It is a highly effective insect repellent, we use it in manure. Positioned during predators' flight periods, the fern makes them flee and protects the crop.



It has a preventive role against mildew and powdery mildew, but also a remineralizing action on the vine. It contains a great deal of silica.


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